We want you to have the best possible experience on Vestiaire Collective: and that includes feeling safe, protected, and positive - every step of the way. You’re part of our community - please help us to perfect it and protect it by following these practical Buyer Guidelines.
If you decide to Make an Offer on an item you’ve discovered, are you ready to commit to the purchase if the offer is accepted? By accepting an offer, the seller is not only agreeing to a new price, but placing the item ‘on hold’ for you for 24 hours (awww). Please be considerate of your seller’s time when making offers, and be ready to place the order if it’s accepted!
Any features or privileges associated with your account may be temporarily or permanently withdrawn at any time should you be in violation of the guidelines detailed above.
If you need to let us know about any unacceptable behavior on the platform you can Contact Us directly, or Report a user via Buyer Seller chat.