We’re doing everything we can to combat the effects of the virus with our community, and to help fight it with charity fundraising. Our contribution is to partner with some of our friends to sell pieces from their wardrobes, with all of the proceeds (including 100% of our commission) being donated to local charities. Here you’ll find a summary of our campaigns across the world, and we’ll be keeping this updated as we launch in more countries.
Find the profiles of everyone participating by typing their username (@alice123) into the search bar.
Across the world, our teams are doing everything they can. As a French company, Vestiaire Collective’s founders are supporting a French charity, but we are working with other organisations across the world, such as the World Health Organisation, acting both locally and globally to fight the effects of COVID-19.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) works globally to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable, and is leading the charge in the fight against COVID-19. Here's everyone that's supporting this charity: Kate Moss (@katemoss), Clare Waight Keller (@clarewaightkeller), Jessica Pires (@robertjessicapires), Robert Pires (@robertjessicapires), Caroline Issa (@carolineissa), Laura Bailey (@laurabailey), Gala Gordon (@gala_gordon), Charlotte Tilbury (@charlottetilbury), Rachel Weisz (@rachelweisz), Bella Freud (@bella_freud), Thandie Newton (@thandienewton), Jemima Khan (@jemimakhan), Justin Thornton (@PreenByTB), Thea Bregazzi (@PreenByTB), Olivier Giroud (@olivierjennifergiroud), Jennifer Giroud (@olivierjennifergiroud), Camille Charriere (@camillecharriere_charity).
Created in 1989, the charity helps to improve the quality of life of children, young people and the elderly in French hospitals, and has funded over 15,000 projects to date. Vestiaire Collective was founded in Paris, and that’s where our global HQ is based, so it’s only natural that 2 of our co-founders, Fanny Moizant (@fannymoizant) and Sophie Hersan (@sophiehersan), are supporting our efforts in France to combat COVID-19.
Here's everyone that's supporting this charity: Leia Sfez (@leiasfez), Mathilde Lacombe (@mathildelacombe), Géraldine Nakache (@geraldinenakache), Carine Roitfeld (@carineroitfeld1), Patricia Kaas (@patriciakaas), Farida Khelfa (@faridakhelfa), Louise Follain (@louisefollain), Mathilde Thomas (@mathildethomas), Léa Seydoux (@leaseydoux), Louise Trotter (@louisetrotter), Cécilia Bönström (@Ceciliabonstrom), Sarah Andelman (@sarahandelman), Suzanne Koller (@suzannekoller), Peggy Frey (@peggyfrey), Anne-Laure Mais (@annelauremais), Mélanie Huynh (@melaniehuynh).
Here's everyone that's supporting this charity: Caro Daur (@carodaur_charity), Nina Suess (@ninasuess_charity), Pernille Teisbaek (@pernilleteisbaek), Lisa Olsson (@lisaolsson_), Sania Claus Demina (@saniaclausdemina), Veronika Heilbrunner (@veronikaheilbrunner_charity), Jeanette Madsen (@jeanettemadsen).
This region of northern Italy includes Milan and has borne the brunt of the effects of COVID-19. This initiative supports a wide variety of local healthcare institutions which are all under immense strain. Here's everyone that's supporting this charity: Viviana Volpicella (@vivianavolpicella), Anna Dello Russo (@Annadellorusso), Helen Nonini (@helennonini), Margherita Missoni (@Margheritamissoni), Newtopia Influencers (@newtopia), Annie Mazzola (@anniemazzola), Anja Tufina (@anjatufina), Giulia Gaudino (@giuliagaudino), Virginia Varinelli (@virginiavarinelli), Elisa Taviti (@elisataviti), Natalia Paragoni (@newtopia), Stefano Sala (@newtopia), Mara Venier (@maravenier), Rossella Migliaccio (@rossellamigliaccio), Chiara Totire (@chiaratotire), Paola Iezzi (@paolaiezzi), Sara Cavazza Facchini (@SaraCavazza), Eva Geraldine (@evageraldine), Eleonora Pratelli (@EleonoraPratelli), Vincenzo Sabatino (@domenico_vincenzo), Domenico Iovine (@domenico_vincenzo), Filippo Cirulli (@filippocirulli), Filippo Fiora (@filippofiora).
Opened in 1964, Madrid’s La Paz University Hospital is one of the largest in Spain, and is at the heart of the city’s fight against COVID-19. Here's everyone that's supporting this charity: Marco Llorente (@marco_llorente), Macarena Gomez (@macarenagomezofficial), Nina Urgell (@ninauc), Ana Antic (@anaantic), Pelayo Diaz (@pelayodiaz), Alex Riviere (@alexriviere), Carmen Lomana (@carmenlomana), Eugenia Osborne (@eugeniaosborne), Blanca Bleis (@bleismadrid), Maria de la Orden @mariadelaorden).
Serving Singapore since 1949 and Hong Kong since 1950, the Red Cross is a well-known organisation that is contributing to the fight against COVID-19 globally as well as locally. Here's everyone that's supporting this charity: Angie Ng (@angieng_cl), Antona Li (@antoniamli), Corina Larpin (@corinamihailalarpin), Desmond Lim (@thatmonkiepoo), Faye Tsui (@faye_tsui), Ho Ching Lin (@eyedoc_sg), Jonathan Cheung (@jc_jonathancheung), Jonathan Riss (@_jay_ahr_), Justine Lee (@justinelee), Kenneth Goh (@kennieboy), Nicola Cheung Young (@nicolacheungyoung), Paige Parker (@iampaigeparker), Peter Cheung (@petercheungasia), Savina Chai (@savina_chai), Sharie Ross Tse (@sharie_ross), Swee Lin Lim (@sweelinlim1).