Stand a chance to win a S$1888 voucher with every listing from 17th Jan to 31st Jan, 23:59 local time.
The more you list, the higher your chances of winning! + Enjoy 0% selling fees if it's your first listing below S$2,000 - for a limited time only.
Sell with ease on Vestiaire Collective
Sell from the comfort of your home
Sell from the comfort of your home:Enjoy free shipping! Your item will be taken care of by DHL. Simply print the prepaid label and you have the option of scheduling a pick-up from your home or to drop the item off at any DHL store.
Sell quickly
Sell quickly, list your item in as little as 2 mins: Simply input information needed to ensure the buyer is well informed and you make a successful sale and you’re good to go!
Avoid lowballers
Avoid lowballers: Access to a community of 23 million like-minded fashion lovers globally who know and appreciate the value of your items
Terms & Conditions: Each qualified listing between January 17th and January 31st, 23:59 local time is counted as an entry towards a chance to win the grand prize of S$1888 voucher. Qualified listings are items which have been accepted by our team of Authentication experts, not been withdrawn from site, and in the case of listed item(s) sold, are not cancelled from sale. Vestiaire Collective reserves the right to refuse participation to any seller who has withdrawn one or more item(s) from sale at least once during the promotion. Voucher winner will be notified by email on February 3rd, 2023