Louis Vuitton: the fusion of passion and know-how.
In the 150 years since it was founded, the House of Louis Vuitton has had time to design and craft a whole multitude of different styles of bags. The most iconic pieces like the Speedy and the Papillon are still features of current collections, but they have been revisited in new materials and novel colourways. The two bags share one powerful common denominator - the quality and expertise of a world-renowned leather goods maker.
Vintage Louis Vuitton leather goods to discover.
Each season, the brand Louis Vuitton brings out new designs that soon become emblematic pieces which are sought after and coveted by the brand's myriad fans. But certain women also want to own older pieces by the House, which are no longer available in the shops. Vintage Louis Vuitton bags are real gems, which should be treasured and kept safe as befitting the collectors' pieces they are. That includes clutch bags, which is an especially popular format because of the fact that they are so practical.
Products from the annals on our platform.
Vestiaire Collective is a place that is the stuff of dreams for women who want to acquire luxury items at affordable prices. Here, you can buy second-hand bags from recent collections but also much rarer pieces which can no longer be found in the shops. That is just what our vintage section, where retro and longstanding ranges are given pride of place, promises.
A clutch bag is a particularly popular format today, very well-liked by modern women who need a bag which is compact and easy to carry. Louis Vuitton, a visionary and avant-garde designer, was already bringing out collections featuring clutch bags back in the day: