A lady's handbag, always by her side.
The main purpose of that must-have accessory, a lady's handbag, is to never be without those everyday necessities. Very often, this useful piece doubles up as a real fashion accessory, coordinating with an outfit and fitting the occasion.
Carried, worn on the shoulder or across the body, traditionally the choice of handbag depends on what you are doing on any particular day. The tote bag, with a bigger capacity, is especially suitable for outings to the shops, with plenty of extra space for all those purchases. Smaller bags that can be worn across the body are ideal for enhancing a chic outfit. Clutches, perfect for evenings out, are just the thing for carrying the bare essentials. Apart from these must-have basics, lines of bags for women also offer rucksacks and travel bags, for guaranteed elegance in all circumstances. Leather is the traditional material of choice, but numerous models made of textiles are now available, in cotton, wool or even canvas.
There are essentials in any handbag collection, the Speedy handbag by Louis Vuitton is worthy of a mention, a medium capacity model that is perfectly suited to any occasion. A small bag with a long strap, like Celine's Classic bag, is an excellent addition to lighter, more fluid looks. If you are looking for a handbag that is a bit different, try designs by fashion house Chloé, who has adeptly introduced innovative contours into luxury leather goods. We have in mind the Marcie long-strapped bag and the Paddington bag, which are excellent examples.