Every week, VestiaireCollective chooses a dabble from several hundreds of Knitwear for its community.
Selecting from a bunch of different brands and fabrics, click on any article according to your preferences, and it will be possible for your to buy the style of Knitwear made for you.
Whether you are a fashion lover or a huge fan of CNC stuff, membership at Vestiaire Collective community is available to all who fancy the idea.
Have you got a crush on one of the Knitwear from CNC? Our catalogue is made up of several tens of thousands of articles of clothing for all sorts, you will without a doubt find the product that you dream of here.
Target your item by brandname (Yves Saint Laurent, The Kooples, Chanel), by color (Liberty, Golden, Black) or again by textile (Wool, Suede, Denim).