Bags: designed for men, too.
Ever since bags became fashion accessories in their own right, they are no longer the preserve of women. The major leather goods brands all produce a line of men's bags, so the males of the species can set off their outfits too and never be without all the essentials.
Men's bags are usually designed with a large capacity. It follows that most of the models out there are travel bags and weekend bags. Briefcases and satchels, supple or rigid designs, are also well represented. For carrying around the bare minimum, men's bags with shoulder straps prove very practical and come in different sizes. Leather is still the favoured material of most manufacturers, in smooth or grain versions. Cotton and coated canvas are, however, very popular for larger volume bags, making the bag itself less weighty.
For those who wish to inject a little elegance into their working lives, the House of Berluti proposes a large collection of vintage-inspired leather satchels with handles. Louis Vuitton is a reference for men's travel bags, with one of the best examples being the Keepall canvas bag made of Trianon chequerboard. Gucci's weekend leather bags are also very well-liked. As far as small leather goods for men are concerned, Goyard stands out with a whole line of unusual leather cardholders. Fans of "clutch" bags can turn to Dolce & Gabbana, who have come up with some very functional rectangular models in leather.